It’s back to work for me!
It isn’t exactly as though I’ve been sitting on my hands lately. In fact, I’d say that even though I haven’t worked at a traditional office for some time, with preparing to leave the U.S. and getting settled here (not to mention the teaching I did last year), I've been working pretty hard!
But a major part of the plan in moving to Vienna was to be able to find employment so I could support myself in my new life. And I am happy to report that this has proven to be not only possible, but abundantly so.
I had anticipated that not having a longer track record in teaching would be a hindrance, but — as Karma would have it — my business and entrepreneurial background seems to more than compensate. Choosing to go for the CELTA certification, as opposed to quicker, less expensive and less reputable ones, was also a good decision, as the Cambridge University imprimatur does carry weight here.
I’ve hooked up with what I consider two of the best language schools that cater to an Austrian and international business clientele. My first class was for a pair of lawyers who work in the area of telecommunications and regulation. I’m also teaching employees in the accounting and HR departments of the Austrian branch of an Italian company, some association marketing execs and a business consultant — for a total so far of six classes a week. Their levels range from elementary to intermediate, and they’re lots of fun to teach. I also actually enjoy commuting to the various work sites, as it tangibly enhances the feeling of being more than just a tourist or visitor, but rather being someone who actually lives here. That’s always been my goal.
Now this is not going to cover all my expenses, but basically it does take care of my rent, and that’s a good start. I’m also meeting with administration officials at schools and American-based universities with campuses here that teach in English, to investigate the potential for not only teaching positions but freelance communications work as well. So far people seem receptive. Still on my agenda is the U.S. embassy and their American Chamber of Commerce (the ‘amcham’), although perhaps a little later.
In the middle of all this I’ve been going to various meetings and seminars — on issues such as Austrian income tax liability, social (i.e. health, pension, etc.) insurance and other relocation matters — offered by various agencies and organizations here. I’ve gotten involved (on a volunteer basis) with the AWA’s imminent rebranding campaign, and continue to study German, meet with friends and go about other daily affairs. In the process, I’m discovering new ways to get around the city and (finally!) getting a sense of the geography.
Vienna continues to nourish me aesthetically, and that’s even before the grass greens and the trees and flowers burst forth. But that is coming soon, as I can actually feel the days getting longer. Certain people — and you know who you are! — are already making plans to visit, and that is something else I look forward to.
I do have to continually monitor Scout’s virally-transmitted intestinal problem, which, I’m sorry to say, has become an ongoing and unexpected corollary to living in a city with so many dogs and their less-than-conscientious owners. She’s a hardy little beast, though, and seems completely unfazed by it all, so it’s just a task and an expense that I must deal with.