Monday, November 8, 2010

We have lift off!

The house is no longer mine, but my future is.

If not looking back means you are headed in the right direction, then I am.

I can’t say that it wasn’t difficult to leave Teaneck after nearly 30 years. But I have photos, movies and my children to help me recall and re-experience the good family times I had there.

And I certainly can’t say it wasn’t difficult – physically and mentally – to make decisions on the disposition of every single item in the house, from art and other collectibles to everyday housewares, from books and music to work-related items, down to the last paper clip. Not to mention mementos from the lives of each family member, and all the furniture!

But decide I did. Sometimes emotionally, sometimes ruthlessly. Until the entire house was vacant and the business affairs – mostly unpleasant (perhaps more on that later) – were settled.

A quick but essential word here, first, about my brother, Peter. He will blush and dismiss my comment  with “C’mon, it was nothing.” Yet it was anything but that. His emotional support, physical prowess, and organizational tactics were nothing short of spectacular, and I would not have made it through the final week without him. I appreciate every day how special he is, the close relationship we have, and my good fortune to have him as my brother.

And so, on Thursday, November 4th, the first stage of the journey to my new life began. It’s been said that when it rains on a couple’s wedding day, it means good luck. (I think: bad hair day for the bride, and poor guests who have to travel in it.) So what to make of the weather on the day I left? It poured non-stop, and the drive to my brother’s house was difficult because the wind also blew hard, and at night there were several foggy patches in New Hampshire and Maine. But we made it, and my dog Scout, bless her furry little heart, was a champion traveler. She slept most of the way, and ‘performed’ fairly promptly at the rest stops.

What struck me then, and still now, is the magic power of adrenalin. I can’t imagine what else could have kept us going through such a long and arduous day, especially at our age! And at the end, we still had enough energy to unload the rented van and my car and set up ‘my bedroom’ in Peter’s loft apartment (definitely more on that later).

So if it’s true what they say about the rain, I’ve had a very auspicious beginning. Now comes the task of de-stressing, dealing with some remaining details of my past and future lives, and cramming German like crazy. All while trying not to freeze my buns off as the notorious New England winter grabs hold. 

I am ready.

<< Scout’s perch in the Teaneck house, where her elbows left permanent indentations in the stair carpeting

Scout’s new perch at my brother’s place, where the builder thoughtfully arranged windows to the street at her eye level   >>


  1. Mazel tov, my good friend!! I am so proud of you and what you are embarking upon! I know that this will be a Grand Adventure for you, and I can't wait to hear all the ins and outs. And hopefully, share some of it with you. xxoo, Chris

  2. Vera,
    I love this. So glad that Teaneck is all wrapped up and updates on your adventure will be so easy to find.

    Much love and luck!

  3. Vera: I am very impressed with your courage (and your writing) and am happy to know you are following and living your dreams. I hope to visit Vienna as soon as you settle in.

    Hugs and kisses

    Vicki V

  4. Love you Mums! Can't wait to hear more.
    Looks like Scout got an upgrade.

  5. Das Aufregen! Am besten Wünsche und viel Glück auf folgend Ihren Träumen.
    Liebe, Beth

  6. YOU GO FOR IT GIRL!!!!!

  7. What a lovely journaling of this next phase of your life and upcoming adventure in Vienna, Vera! I will definitely be looking forward to reading future excerpts and living vicariously through your courage to follow your heart, and dreams. All the best to you during your voyage, my friend......

  8. Vera,

    How refreshing and exciting to be embarking on this journey. I believe in taking risks and change is good. It's interesting that you choose to go back to your ancestral home. I hope, that I too one day will visit. I'll look forward to following your journey. xoxo, Michele

  9. Thanks for sharing this time of transition and growth for you. I'm sure that you will thrive in your new home and experience many new and exciting moments to create your new life abroad. Sorry we didn't get to see you again before you left for Maine but we'll keep in touch and hopefully, visit you in your new Viennese abode!
    Stay strong and well.

  10. how fitting vera in vienna sounds! hope the rocky road (not ice cream) is behind you for the moment. for now, you can catch your breath, chill out in the true sense of the maine weather ahead before leaving on a jet plane (a favorite pp&m song of mine). then it's getting used to küss die hand and all that sachertorte. nicht schlecht oder? just think we will be 362km (225 miles) apart...would be great to meet once you are settled in and the wicked winter weather is over. wishing you dear vera much happiness and lots of love in the next/new
    chapter of life!!! hugs, dede

  11. Hey Vera,
    So glad to hear what happened next. What an exciting journey and thanks for letting me vicariously tag along. I will check in periodically and keep you posted on the ol' neighborhood. Wishing you all good things ahead, Sharon

  12. VERA--You did it! I know how overwhelming this all seemed, but you got the first part behind you. YOur writing is so beautiful and having a blog was a great idea. Of course for those of us technologically challenged it took a while to figure out how to register etc. Hope to see you soon before you leave on your big adventure. thinking of you, love,amy
