Sunday, January 8, 2012


Backward and forward

It was exactly one year ago that I moved to Vienna, and yet I can remember everything about it in the most minute detail as if it were yesterday. It started with a packed van in Portland, Maine on the morning of January 6th, continued down the highway through New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York to JFK airport, lasted for over eight hours in the air above the Atlantic and western Europe, and ended on a cold, rainy, wonderful day the next morning in Vienna. And while I know so much has happened since then, I still can’t quite understand how it is actually now 365 days later!
There are of course many, many things I could write (and have written) about my experiences here so far, but the best I can do at this moment of reflection is to say that I am 100% content, and have 0% regret. This was the right decision on every level, and the wonder of it all still unfolds before me in new ways each and every day.

I’ve made local friends and expat friends, found employment, met fascinating people as students and colleagues from all over the world, and put down roots in the place where my roots began. What more could I ask for?

I won’t say it’s been easy being away from family and friends from before, because it hasn’t, but with e-mail and Skype I don’t feel as cut off as I otherwise might be from those I love. And speaking of those I love, being here has brought me closer to my parents than ever before, and in ways I’m not sure I’m yet able to describe. They never shared too much of their Viennese childhoods with me, each for different reasons. Yet the pull that the city and culture exerted on them, in spite of everything, seems to be in my blood, and gives me an inexpressible sense of truly being home.

So, it being a new year, and a time for looking forward as well as backward, what are my plans and resolutions for the next 365 days? Here are my top three:

1.  To become completely self-supporting.

I am thrilled with my new teaching profession, and managed to already earn back a large part of what it cost me to live here this past year. My business plan for 2012, though, is to earn enough to support myself entirely from my work as an English trainer, editor, and executive coach, without tapping any previous resources.

2.  To improve my German.     

How many times have you heard that one by now? The fact is, I can indeed understand a whole lot more now than when I arrived. I do fairly well at shopping, making appointments, listening to conversations, reading light material and such, but speaking is another matter. Even though I can usually make myself understood, the grammar and colloquialisms are a real challenge.

That said, I think I may be starting to look like a local, because just this morning, on two separate occasions in town, I was asked for directions. Not only were the conversations in German—I knew where and how to direct them!

Meanwhile, I found a humorous take on this subject by a German comedian who does stand-up in Great Britain, and I invite you to take a look so you can see what I’m up against. He’s got 10 separate skits, which you can get to from the Web site, but this is my favorite:
Click Here

3.  To cope with turning 60

What is there to say? I don’t relate to that number at all; it simply does not compute. Sure, both body and mind are a little worse for wear, but this ‘change of life’ has been very rejuvenating. And if the expression ‘Bis hundertzwanzig’ ('til 120) means anything, I’m only halfway through! In any case, I am entirely optimistic about my future here, and if I can just work out a way to see more of my kids, life will be perfect.
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So ... assuming Obama makes it back into the White House (things are looking up a little bit, no?), I think 2012 is going to be a very good year. And when I’m not preparing for lessons or grading papers and exams, I really hope to also do some more exploring and experiencing in this wonderful city—and, perhaps, even beyond. And maybe you can too! With thanks to my friend Janice and the New York Times, I’d like to share with you just a few of the many attractions in store for both residents and visitors. You don’t have to all come at once … but please do come! It’s really worth the visit.

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Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

New Year’s themes in Austria include the greeting above (which translates literally as ‘Have a good slide in the new year’), and the pig as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. In the days between Christmas and January 1, vendors popped up all over the city with pigs of every variety:

And on that note, let me wish you all a 
Spectacular, Happy, and Healthy 2012!

1 comment:

  1. AH - the first post of 2012 and, as I've come to expect, it is informative and introspective with a touch of Vera's trademark humor. Perhaps you are not yet speaking German like a native, but if anyone can make rapid progress, it is you. I have no doubt you WILL be self-supporting within the year (which is quite astounding, really!) and as for turning 60, well, I sympathize. But there's no time for too much of a retrospective, when there's so much to do going forward. And since 60 is the new 40 (so I am told), we've just gained an extra 20 years of activity. Wish my bones didn't ache... but I still would not trade my years of knowledge and experience for another round of teenage hormones and acne. I have a feeling you are of the same mind. Wish I could start making plans to visit Vienna; it is absolutely alluring, or at least you make it seem so!
